Emin lernt Englisch!

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06.11.2020 14:34 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.11.2020 14:34)
avatar  Robert

Liedtexte Auswendiglernen in English wäre eine Alternative, what a friiend….stand up for….we shall overcome…..blowing in the wind, ….like a Bridge over troubled water….oder flashdance...

oder französisch, la gacilly votre patrie. So wirbt ein Unternehmen.

oder Latein lernen, tabula rase machen, dass passt hier sehr gut. Ad hoc wird das wohl nicht gehen. Ad acta kommt noch nicht in Frage...

Man kann so vieles auswendig selbst lernen grad. etwas zur Gelassenheit wäre auch ganz gut.

Robert, Aufräumer, Ordnung, Ornung....

Gepr. Immobilienmakler Real Estate Agent SGD 1,3
Certified Real Estate Agent SGD 2+

Immobilien-Weltweit Reale Estate I-W-R-E
CS Business Center GmbH
Am Kaiserkai 69
20457 Hamburg

§ 34 c GewO, Gewerbeamt Stuttgart, nun IHK Stuttgart-zuständig, Nr. 93,2017
FIU Köln, Abteilung D, Organisationsnummer 15723
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06.11.2020 16:39
avatar  Emin

Dear Robert and dear Hatifa

Yes, I am also learning English, but I am also currently learning Chinese vocabulary and Arabic grammar. I was in Egypt for two and a half months last year and it gave me and the people there a lot that I can speak the local language. They were very happy and a human closeness always developed very quickly.

The same happened to me in France last year, where I was also for over 2 months. There I was able to improve my French again as well as when I was in The Netherlands because I speak Dutch quite well. But most of all I enjoy Italian, which I can now do quite well and have learned a lot in the last 6 years.

Well @Hatifa come take it here with a smile and dare to write in English. We’re already practicing live here.

Sincerely to Frankfurt am Main


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