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19.11.2020 21:11 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.11.2020 21:12)
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@Aufräumer @Robert @Jennifer @Hatifa (<--- sie lernt Englisch!) @Cinderella @Draculara @Sybille @Miss Hazel @Bibiana @Rainbow-Cloud @Xenia @Xanaka @Yazdi

und auch @Zeitgeister @Sabia

Ich versuche es mal auf Englisch wenn du schon es hörst:

Zitat von Aufräumer im Beitrag #5
wunderbare music in english

Hello Robert,

well then I'll explain it to you in English because maybe you'll understand it better than before. So the awards are in the beta phase, which means that I have been testing it so far and I may even take it out of our forum.

But here is the explanation again for you:

It's about the quality of the posts, the quantity is less important. The contributions should be relevant to the topic and, if possible, also refer to the contribution that was previously written. In addition, it should be factual and written with respect. I can't think of much about Messie Syndrome at the moment, maybe I am. I also feel burned out after 10 years of writing Messie Syndrome articles or I just want to be a role model through my minimalist life. So I can soon write this to you in Chinese or Arabic, because I am still learning these two interesting languages, but I wonder which language you speak? Please be so good and answer as possible to my contributions here in the forum that makes me happy, makes the others happy and I hope you also every day because yes we are here because we like it and we do that voluntarily.

So let's create added value here in our forum so that many people will be here again in the future and can take something with them into their lives, into their everyday life or help their relatives, their spouses or family members. Let's see if you have now understood everything.

Warm regards from Frankfurt am Main


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19.11.2020 23:13


so thank s so much, will translate it to me, later, nur you like english, american as well, so now sleeping, Tomorrow I am homeoffice...

till tomorrow now Aufräumer

Gepr. Immobilienmakler Real Estate Agent SGD 1,3
Certified Real Estate Agent SGD 2+

Immobilien-Weltweit Real Estate I-W-R-E, $ 34 c


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20.11.2020 01:50
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@Aufräumer und vielleicht interessiert es ja auch den @Robert

Ni hao luobote, yong deyu zenme yang?

Diesmal auf Cantonese was ich ja täglich übe hier Zuhause.
Dazu hat es bereits gereicht um es dir eben auf dieser dir zu sagen!

Nun verstanden oder sag mal red ich Chinesisch?

Schön das du HIER schreibst, das freuen sich viele andere im Forum auch
und ich antworte dir hier schön. Erzähl uns doch von deiner Heimatstadt in

Beste Grüsse in den Norden oder Süden, ach egal....


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20.11.2020 13:47


thank you so much, but today I have my television day , to read the donates from the people...from all over the world, as a media member....🙃🙃🙃 I read the donates in ........ tv.......🤗🤗🤗😩😩😩 and then later I have to bring the people some lifehelp in in my homestudio, also today for 2 hours.

ok, a little bit fun....lot of greetings to you, Aufräumer

Gepr. Immobilienmakler Real Estate Agent SGD 1,3
Certified Real Estate Agent SGD 2+

Immobilien-Weltweit Real Estate I-W-R-E, $ 34 c


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20.11.2020 16:35
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Joker red 02
David Bellot, LGPL <>, via Wikimedia Commons


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